Ombe Traditional Herbal Drink


Ombe is traditional herbal drink from Surabaya, Indonesia. This product has been published since 1980 with name “Sutinem”. but in this project we want to change it from “Sutinem” into “Ombe”. This change is necessary because we want to change their target audience from neighborhood to young audience.

Ombe is from javanese word “Ngombe” thats mean drink. This name has meaning that to make young audience dare to try traditional herbal drink, because this kind of drink is good for people health. This product also liked by Tri Rismaharini as Surabaya Famous Mayor. For design concept, we try new concept hand lettering with dynamic stroke. That make simple effect that catching attention for young people. with black color make strong and powerful impact constrast from the color of the drink, and also the consumer will be sure to drink this tranditional herbal drink. This project is held by Tatarupa and kreavi together with Pahlawan Ekonomi to enhance local business ready for Asean Economic Community that appear in 2016.

Published : 2015
Client : UKM Seger Waras
Location : Indonesia
Type : Branding, Packaging Design
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